Growing ginger indoors

I honestly can’t remember when I planted this ginger. I stuck it in the ground, then learned that I’d planted it the wrong way (on a vertical, rather than horizontal, plane), then utterly neglected it. I was just about to throw the whole thing in the compost. Then, months later (May 29th), I noticed the first sprout coming up from the plant. Now it’s got 5 sprouts and I think the roots might be ready to harvest. So, I’m thinking it’s been in the pot 6-7 months already. If I’d watered it that first couple months, it might have grown even faster.
Ginger growing indoors

I’ve also started a second batch in a windowbox-style planter – 3 different pieces of root. I broke one root apart and planted it without letting the wounds heal up; I hope it doesn’t get moldy. :/

Published by Emily

I'm an instructional designer and gardener based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Free moments find me in my garden or the forest, hugging trees and all that jazz.

10 thoughts on “Growing ginger indoors

  1. I planted the ginger in a pot in the spring, and put it outside under the peach tree when it was warm enough. It did very well there, growing to 18 inches. Overnight temps are now in the low forties, and it still looks good. But it’s time to bring it in for the winter.

  2. I stumbled upon growing ginger the same way you did. I decided to try it on a whim and didn’t research anything about growing it. I planted it vertical, watered it, and gave up just like you. Then green shoots! So now I’m searching the net to learn how to take care of it properly.
    Before you throw out unused ginger, throw it in a pot- you never know what’ll happen, ha!

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