Vegetarian Menu for Another Month

Well, y’all seem to be digging on my original vegetarian menu, so I thought I’d take another crack at it. This version is, if anything, easier to cook than the last bunch. I resort to frozen mixed veggies a fair bit, but you could always use fresh, if you like. As we’re heading into winter, there’s also a soup each week.

The same rules apply: I assume you know how to cook. Meals serve 2 adults dinner, plus either 2 kids for dinner or one adult lunch. At least 2 meals each week have minimal prep and can be ready in under 30 minutes. Some of the ingredients will “push” you – give them a try!

Week 1.

  • *Not-Quite Succotash or Calabacitas
  • *Grilled something, corn, slaw
  • Potato kale chowder
  • Baked beans, corn cakes, greens
  • Winter stir fry (cabbage, apples, kale, potatoes)

Week 2.

  • *Teriyaki stir fry
  • *Homemade pizza
  • Mexican bean soup
  • Squash stuffed with whole grain pilaf
  • Asian cabbage salad with tofu

Week 3.

  • *Garlic relish (or curry) stir-fry
  • *Domino soup
  • Melted onions and green beans (or asparagus)
  • Asian-style noodle soup
  • Roasted root vegetables

Week 4.

  • *Easy zesty minestrone, a.k.a. Swiss Army Soup
  • *Cheater’s Spanish rice, a.k.a. Swiss Army Soup
    pt. 2
  • Corn cakes with peppers and feta
  • Split pea soup
  • Tempeh cutlet with arame and noodles

Download the full menu and recipes (PDF)

Published by Emily

I'm an instructional designer and gardener based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Free moments find me in my garden or the forest, hugging trees and all that jazz.

37 thoughts on “Vegetarian Menu for Another Month

  1. yum, I’m thinking its “Squash stuffed with whole grain pilaf” for dinner at my house tonight.

    thanks so much!!!

  2. this is great. i was looking for a little inspiration (read: help) as I begin my journey into the vege world. thanks!

  3. Thanks for your hard work in preparing this. I printed it out and am going to use it and pass it along in the form of loving meals for friends and my family. You are a gem.

    Ithaca, NY

  4. Along with so many others that have commented, a BIG thank you for your hard work in planning all these meals. It certainly makes life so much easier when working full-time.

  5. All I have to say is WOW! This is exactly what I have been looking for. I have searched high and low for anything like this and nothing compares. This is my first visit to your site, but I will bookmark it for weekly visits!

    I appreciate all of your hard work.

  6. Wow, I love your month of menus. I’ve searched the internet countless times and, as you said, found nothing that really sounded good or that would work for vegetarians and meat-eaters! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  7. ♥.•*¨`*•♫.•´*.¸.•´♥.•*¨`*•♫.•´*.¸.•´
    Grocery list in hand and determination in my pocket.
    I am looking for no brainer feeding and this might be it.
    Thank you for taking the time to do it!
    Cheers from Mickey on Vancouver Island

  8. Thanks so much for all your information. We are making the transition to a vegatarian diet. The shopping lists are so helpful. Your information and being able to download in PDA is wonderful. Bless your heart for sharing with the rest of us.


  9. Thank you. I just decided to make the transition to vegetarian….maybe vegan. This is so incredibly helpful. God Bless!!!

  10. You have done an amazing job with coming up with these recipe plans! Quite a lot of work! I was searching the internet for something like this. A couple of other things that I am looking for in recipe plans, that might help you in refining yours for a book :), are nutritional information, and even better balanced meals so that I know that over the course of the week I am providing the nutrients to my family that we need. I also would like to have more seasonally based meals. I noticed in one of your weeks you had summer squash and winter vegetables. Also your pizza dough is for a bread maker, which we don’t have. I’d love to have the recipe that doesn’t require a bread maker. Anyway, thanks for doing this. I am going to use a bunch of your recipes and shopping lists and you have inspired me to come up with my own meal plans as well. Thanks!

  11. Due to a recently diagnosed clotting disorder, I have decided to become a vegetarian. I’ve noticed a lot of great benefits: less headaches, sleeping better, weight loss, and more! However… I still seem to have a problem… a husband who doesn’t want to give up meat.

    I have no problems with that, but it certainly makes cooking for two incredibly difficult. Your recipes are GREAT since I can add a chicken breast or some ground beef to them with no problems.

    Thanks for saving my marriage at dinner time. 😉

  12. I could KISS you!!! This is exactly what I wanted for Christmas, my birthday, yom kippur, whatever! My husband and I recently became vegan and the health benefits are quickly mounting alongside the pile of no-longer-needed-prescription-pills. But I have to say that figuring out what to cook has been even harder than saying goodbye to animal flesh, dairy, and gluten. Thank you ever so much for this storehouse of ideas!

      1. You are a veggie goddess!!!! Just finished printing out your first meal plan and then found this one…I’ll feel like I’ve won the meal plan lottery! I really don’t like to cook so menu planning is such a chore that I usually give up on it, especially trying to be vegetarian/vegan. With your 2 months worth of meals I’ll be good to go. I’ll know what I’m having so I can stock the pantry and freezer. Thank you so much…you’re my new best friend!

  13. Thank you SO much!
    I’m not a parent or professional, but I am a vegetarian college student going into my toughest semester yet (“student teaching” + 3 courses). I just found this site and am printing it out as I get ready to start the semester.
    Thanks 500x over! If you come up with any more meal calendars, be sure to let me know! ❤ ❤ ❤

  14. I just tried the Lentil Herder’s Pie – wonderful! I think next time I’ll chop up some mushrooms too and try Bragg’s instead of soy sauce, but this was totally delicious the way it is written… Even my picky 5 and 7 year old kids loved it! Can’t wait to try the other recipes!

  15. Hi enjoyed your website and learned a lot about all kind of recipes. I am interested in vege burger recipe which I tried to find but unsucessful so on your website.

    I m from ontario and kindly request to you if you can share some seeds of Tomatillos if possible.
    I eat from my garden just like and you and make my own yoguart etc. We dont get Tomatillos seeds in ontario.
    Thanks very much in advance.

  16. Hi Emily,

    Thanks so much for the wonderful resource. So many people get stuck at the meal planning phase when deciding to make dietary changes, and your plans are such a great resource to solve this problem.

    I was wondering if it would be okay with you for us to possibly translate and print your plans in our print or online edition? I work for a free monthly newspaper that promotes healthy living, environmental conservation and veganism here in Puerto Rico. We would of course credit you and link back to your blog.

    Thanks for letting me know, and thanks again for the resource!


  17. This is an excellent resource. Thank you. Some of the ingredients are abit hard to find in the UAE, but inventiveness helps out. Please continue! This is really an incredible aid to a dedicated vegetarian with a very demanding work schedule. Will try to send some Middle East recipes for the third month, Inshallah.


  18. Thanks for pulling this together. we are a veggie family of 4 and have just started to meal plan. This is going to help us immensely!

  19. I was really struggling to need eat mostly carbs..this is exactly what I have been searching for..I need actual telling what to eat as It’s my first year doing this veggie thing right..I always gave up after a few months..thanks alot this is so helpful 🙂 I’ll donate to you for Christmas 🙂

  20. God bless you, woman. I’ve been the cook for my vegetarian family for ten years now, and every week I still dread making a menu. This is awesome! As a lesbian mom, I’m also happy to see how this project began, and I hope your friend had healthy twins (three years ago)!

  21. Hi,
    I got tomatillos plants from Color Paradise and they are doing fine. Hope to get tomatillos atlast. Enjoyed your webside.thanks

  22. I have used this meal plan so many times with my family since my son was born 3 years ago. Although, we struggle with becoming full veggies, this is a great way to substitute 3 or so meals a week without any complaints! My husband loves the salsa fry up, the lentil herders pie is such a hit, and I kind of play around with a few of your other recipies. Thanks so much for your time and effort! This is such a great way to begin to take meat out of the diet.

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